Writing a business plan (manufacturing sector).

Sample business plans-writing guidelines (Appendix a), this. Created by the small and medium enterprises development of Thai. Intended to help entrepreneurs and small or medium-sized business, SMEs can write business plan (Business Plan) manually which can be useful to apply unified credit request from financial institutions or applied as guidelines for management of business entrepreneurs.

Examples of this concept, writing business plans are divided into 2 sections: the first section. The structure of two parts business plan ... Sample business plans-writing guidelines

The first section describes the main topics and details or bullets in each of the main topics that should be in writing business plans suitable for entrepreneurs who are familiar with writing reports and preliminary understanding about business plans. By the employer can be applied as guidelines to review how their business plans written by specified information completely?

The second section is for help in writing a detailed business plan suitable for entrepreneurs who have never run a business plan before, and don't know where to start writing? Similar to fill a gap in the “ ... ” which employers can apply a form in. The plan employer's business by selecting topics, appropriate, and consistent with the operation of the business. In addition, each topic will have a description of the meaning of that header to help employers understand and can write business plans correctly and quickly.

Bank development of small and medium enterprises in Thai hopefully sample business plans writing guidelines are helpful and others involved in implementing the objectives above.

The content in each chapter.

1. Executive summary (direction, writing) 2. History of the project (guidelines) 3. Industry analysis (direction, writing) 4. An analysis of the situation (direction, writing) 5. Vision Mission and goal 6 (direction, writing). Strategic plan (direction, writing) 6.1. 6.2. enterprise strategy 6.3. business level strategy Strategic and operational level 7. Planned management (guidelines for writing) 7.1. 7.2. business model The structure, organization and management structure. 7.3 Executive team and management. 7.4 7.5. personnel security plans. The summary highlights the problem and objective project management management 8. Marketing plan (direction, writing) 8.1. An overview of the market 8.2. 8.3. product\/service 8.4 the customer group. Competition and competitor 8.5. Marketing strategy (4 Ps) 8.6. The summary highlights the problem and target marketing 9. 9.1. production plan Process\/service provided. 9.2 Great location and paste the chart factory 9.3. Machinery and equipment 9.4. Capacity\/quantity production and the production of a business plan. 9.5. The cost of producing goods\/service 9.6. Quality control, production\/service 9.7. The summary highlights the problem and target the production of 10. 10.1. financial plan Investments in business (before the operation by project) 10.2. Investments in new projects. 10.3 Estimated financial business in the future, 3-5 years, 10.4. Analysis of financial ratios. 10.5 Analysis of growth of business and trend growth 10.6. Analysis of the yield of an investment 10.7. The summary highlights the problem and the financial target 11. Risk analysis of project 11.1. Factors that will make the project successful and not successful 11.2. The risks that might arise affecting the project and planning support, or 11.3. solutions. Estimate scenarios 12. The planned update to add the capability to operate a.

Executive Summary.

(The writing).
• the history and current state of affairs.
o Name and address of business / management major name / type of products / brands (if any).
o The customer / market / major competitors / competitive ability of the Company.
o As of the joint. (Finance - loan) and the present.

• Opportunity. The concept of the project.
o The program / project objectives. (For expansion / establishment of new businesses / enterprises to improve).
o Investment in the project. And sources of funding.

• The purpose of the business plan. (For a loan, find investors. Or improvement of property, etc.).
• Strategic Project Management.
o Management / Production Services / Marketing and Finance.

• Return on investment in the project.
o Payback period (Pay-back Period).
o Break (Break-even Point).
o The net present value of the investment (NPV).
o Return on investment (IRR).

Of the project.

(The writing).
• History and Background of the Company.
o Concept of the Company.
o the Company.
o the establishment.
o-up capital / paid-up capital.
o The growth of the business (including the capital investment business. Executive changes, etc.).
o the success of the business (if any).

• a partnership. Or shareholders. And the proportion of shares.
• the history of the partnership. Or shareholders.
• The results of the recent (past 3 years).
• When a new project. Specify clearly the one. (Create a table showing the date and time of the operation).

Analysis of the industry.

(The writing).
• Overview of the industry.
• growth of the industry.
• standard in the industry (for example, must be certified by ISO, QS, GMP, HACCP, etc.) as well as other key industry Benchmark.
• policy support from the government (if any).

Situation Analysis (SWOT Analysis).

(The writing).
• strengths of the business, factors that make the business a competitive advantage compared to competitors, major / minor competitors.
• weaknesses in the financial statements: factors that make the company a competitive disadvantage compared to competitors, major / minor competitors.
• Business Opportunities: External factors that will allow businesses to grow in the future.
• Obstacles to Business: External Affairs to make it thrive. Or slow growth.

Vision, mission and goals (Vision, Mission & Goals).

(The writing).
• Vision (Vision) is the business to be in the future. It is based on current realities.
• Mission (Mission) is to be done to achieve the vision of the business.
• Goal (Goal) is to define the desired outcome of the mission of the company. The other is a short-term (one year), medium term (3-5 years) and long-term (five years), the goal in each period should be consistent. Measurable. And clearly indicate the time for completion.

Strategic plan.

(The writing).
• corporate strategy (Corporate Level Strategy) is that the business practices of the business including.
o focus on growth (Growth Strategy) is expanding in different directions such as
- Investment in new business, assist existing business. It is a source or destination address of the business.
(Forward - Backward Integration).
- Investment in new business that is different from traditional business arenas. (Conglomerate Diversification).
The diversification of the investment.
- Collaborating with business partners (Alliance Strategy) to strengthen existing business without investing itself.

o Strategic Stability (Stability Strategy) does not have any investments in this period was a strong focus on business.
o To reduce the size of business. (Retrenchment Strategy).
- Disposal of some businesses. (That does not make a profit or loss).
- Restructuring the business. (Restructure).

• Business strategy (Business Level Strategy) is a hallmark of the organization and utilization. Promotion of corporate strategy.
o satisfaction service. (Less than competitors) (Cost Leadership Strategy) will be selling at lower prices than competitors.
o focus on product differentiation. (Differentiation Strategy) is a Value Added new products to meet the new needs of consumers.
o Customer focus groups (Focus Strategy) to meet the needs of specific customers. The company can set prices higher.

• Operational strategies (Functional Level Strategies) in the various.
o management. The building management system to achieve business strategy.
o Marketing is a marketing plan to achieve business strategy.
o to produce a set of production plans in line with business strategy.
o Money is the financial plan in line with business strategy.

Management plan.

(The writing).
(Before and after the implementation of the project).
• business model (business owners only. , Partnership, company, etc.).
• Organization and Management Plan.
• The management and administration.
o Board of Directors. And Executive Director.
o the administration. (Such as power. Or decentralization, etc.).
The establishment of new businesses. The relationship between the administration and the business. The new operation to clear.

• Plan staff.
o Manpower today. Turnover of staff. And manpower planning (recruitment and preparation of personnel).
o Development Plan.

• auditors and legal counsel (if any).
• business partners. And assistance (if any).
• The strengths and target management. Project management.
o The Key Management. Project management.
o The key management problem. Project management.
o to the management strategy.
o a budget that requires management.

Marketing plan.

(The writing).
(Before and after the implementation of the project).
• Overview of the market.
o general market conditions. The previous 3 years and forward three years (the origin of the hypothesis).
o the size or turnover of the market. (Stating that a number of assumptions. And restrictions on the estimates).
o the demand of the market / the number of buyers in the market.
o capacity to meet the market / the number of market makers.

• Product / Service.
o the nature and strength of product / service.
o product positioning. (The desired image in the eyes of the consumer).
o Product Preview / Properties.
o Parks. And target market. (State clearly that the local market. Or national markets).
o Sales and market share.

• Customers.
o Who are the target customers.
o major customers of the distribution business, the top 5 sales for each customer. And the relationship with the customer (if required).
o The future prospects of the project is. (You can expand the customer base or not).

• competition and competitors.
o Competition in the market today.
o its primary / secondary business competitors.
o Comparison of sales. The market share of the business with its main competitors.
o Compare the strengths - and weaknesses of your product with competing products.
o existing customers are more likely to switch to a competitor's products or not.
o the likely entry of new operators.

• marketing strategies.
o strategies for product / service.
o pricing.
o the distribution strategy.
o Marketing and sales strategy.

• Highlight the issues and targeted marketing.
o The strength of the market.
o The major problems of marketing.
o sales / market share and the other market. The strategy.
o The marketing budget.

Production plans.

(Before and after the implementation of the project).
• Process / service (shown in Flow Chart).
• The location and plant layout.
o Factory Map.
o Live in the factory.
o the amount of living space.
o the acquisition of the area. (Purchase or rental. Details of payment. In the case of a lease for a year.
Lease expires).

• machinery and equipment.
o Machinery. And important. (If the payment. For details. Terms of payment).
o lifetime.
o repair / maintenance of machinery and equipment.

• Capacity / volume production. And the production of a business plan. (May be prepared in the form of a Gantt Chart).
• Cost of goods / services.
o raw material. Main suppliers and business contacts.
o management of raw materials. And inventory (raw materials, such as minimum levels, etc.).
o the amount of labor used in production / skills required of workers / labor market of the industry.
o The cost of the plant (Overhead Cost).
o The production cost per unit. (Split between the fixed and variable costs).
o Compare the cost of production per unit of activity, with the average standard of the industry (if any) and said the cause of the difference.

• quality control, production / services.
o the availability of other utilities.
o the impact on the environment (such as the elimination of waste. The selection of raw materials, energy, etc.).

• The strengths and target production.
o the point of production.
o The major problems in production.
o The goal of the strategy.
o The budget must be used in production.

Financial plan.
o Details of borrowings (if any).
- Type and loan amount.
- The purpose of the loan.
- The interest rate.
- The repayment of principal.
- Grace period.
- Secured loans.
o seeking to recover money.
o Details of borrowings (if any).
- Type and loan amount.
- The purpose of the loan.
- The interest rate.
- The repayment of principal.
- Grace period.
- Secured loans.

• the financial affairs of 3-5 years.
o Accounting and financial assumptions.
- Increase / decrease of sales, cost of production capacity. And selling and administrative expenses each year.
- Interest rate. Estimated interest rate of the loan. The new loan.
Expected to recover.
- The proportion of cash sales, sales on credit.
- Length of credit to customers.
- Policy and Trade. And cash discounts (if any).
- Time to get credit from commercial lenders.
- Duration of storage inventory.
- Method of depreciation of fixed assets for each type.
- Income tax rate.

o Projected income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows.
- Estimated Year 1 on a monthly basis.
- Estimates of the second and third quarter.
- Estimated at 3 to year after year (if applicable).

• Analysis of financial ratios.
o The liquidity ratio. Or the ability to repay short-term (Liquidity Ratio).
- Current Ratio (Current Ratio).
- Current Ratio Quick (Quick Ratio).

o The ratio measures the ability to make a profit. (Profitability Ratio).
- Gross Profit Margin (Gross Profit Margin Ratio).
- Operating margin (Operating Profit Margin Ratio).
- Consolidated net sales (Net Profit Margin).
- Return on Net Assets (Return on Asset - ROA).
- Return on Net Equity (Return on Equity - ROE).

o The effective management of working capital ratio (Working Capital Management Ratio).
- The turnover rate of total assets (Total Assets Turnover Ratio).
- The time of collection (Average Collection Period - Day).
- The duration of the loan payable (Account Payable Turnover - Day).
- Duration of inventory (Inventory Turnover - Day).

o The ability to pay off debt. And the ability to incur additional debt.
- Debt to total assets ratio (Debt Ratio).
- Debt to equity ratio (Debt to Equity Ratio).
- Ratio of interest expense (Interest Coverage Ratio).

• Analyze the return on investment.
o Payback period (Pay-back Period).
The cost o (Brake-even Point).
o the present value of investments (Net Present Value: NPV).
o The rate of return (Internal Rate of Return: IRR)).

• The strength and financial goals.
o The financial strength.
o The problem is financial.
o financial goals for the strategy.

Risk analysis of the project.

• factors that will make the project successful. And successful.
• the risk that may arise. The project and plans (solutions).
Solve the problem.
A product is counterfeit.
2 higher than estimated costs.
3 competitors undercut sales.
4 Lack of raw materials used in production.
5 with the partnership.
Etc. 6.

• Assessment scenarios (Sensitivity Analysis).
o a better than usual (Best Case) as sales rose 10%.
o cases (Base Case) in the current estimate.
o If less than normal (Worst Case), as sales decreased 10%.

Plan to increase capacity in the assembly.

• Improved accounting / accounting systems, inventory / transport / storage / production / marketing.
• The certification standards such as ISO, GMP, HACCP and other necessary items.


(Sources of information. And copy documents. A certified true copy by a person authorized to sign and seal (if any)).


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